Friday, October 24, 2014

Why I LOVE Young Living's Peace & Calming Essential Oil.....

This little bottle lives up to its name, Peace & Calming. Right now we are experiencing life without this oil. :( We ran out of it a couple weeks ago. Let me just say, once it is back in stock at Young Living I will be buying an extra bottle and always having an extra bottle on hand. We will NOT run out again! Okay, now that my rant is over, you're wanting to know what we use it for. Right? Well, Payton, my 7 yo son, is a little hyper. Okay, maybe more than a little. ;) I apply this behind his ears, neck and his big toes every morning before school. I also carry it with me when we run to the store or go anywhere for a long period, he tends to get restless. It usually works within a few minutes after applying behind his ears. I LOVE THIS OIL!!!